Configure Sudo to separate users' duty if some people share privileges. It does not need to install sudo manually because it is installed by default even if Minimal installed environment. [1]. Transfer root privilege all to a user. [root@dlp ~]# visudo # add to the end: user [cent] can use all root privilege cent ALL=(ALL) ALL # how to write ⇒ destination host=(owner) command # verify with user [cent] [cent@dlp ~]$ /usr/bin/cat /etc/shadow /usr/bin/cat: /etc/shadow: Permission denied # denied normally [cent@dlp ~]$ sudo /usr/bin/cat /etc/shadow Password: # user's own password ..... ..... chrony:!!:18163:::::: tcpdump:!!:18163:::::: # just executed [2]. In addition to the setting of [1], set some commands prohibit. [root@dlp ~]# visudo # line 49: add # for example, set aliase for the kind of shutdown commands Cmnd_Alias SHUTDOWN = /usr/sbin/halt, /usr/sbin/shutdown, \ /usr/sbin/poweroff, /usr/sbin/reboot...