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Lambda Function with Scheduled Events

  Scheduled events are suppose to happen at regular intervals based on a rule set. Scheduled events are used to execute Lambda function after an interval which is defined in cloudwatch services. They are best used for working on cron jobs along with AWS Lambda. This chapter will explain with simple example how to send mail after every 5 minutes using scheduled events and AWS Lambda. Requisites The requirements for using Lambda function with Scheduled events are as follows − Verify email id using AWS SES Create Role to use AWS SES, Cloudwatch and AWS Lambda Create Lambda Function to send email Add rule for scheduled events from AWS CloudWatch Example The example that we are going to consider will add CloudWatch event to the AWS Lambda function. Cloudwatch will trigger AWS Lambda based on the time pattern attached to it. For Example, in the example below we have used 5 minutes as the trigger. It means for every 5 minutes, AWS Lambda will be triggered and AWS Lambda will send mail wheneve

Lambda Function with Amazon DynamoDB

DynamoDB can trigger AWS Lambda when the data in added to the tables, updated or deleted. In this chapter, we will work on a simple example that will add items to the DynamoDB table and AWS Lambda which will read the data and send mail with the data added. Requisites To use Amazon DB and AWS Lambda, we need to follow the steps as shown below − Create a table in DynamoDB with primary key Create a role which will have permission to work with DynamoDBand AWS Lambda. Create function in AWS Lambda AWS Lambda Trigger to send mail Add data in DynamoDB Let us discuss each of this step in detail. Example We are going to work out on following example which shows the basic interaction between DynamoDB and AWS Lambda. This example will help you to understand the following operations − Creating a table called customer in Dynamodb table and how to enter data in that table. Triggering AWS Lambda function once the data is entered and sending mail using Amazon SES service. The basic block diagram that

Lambda Function with Amazon S3

  Amazon S3 service is used for file storage, where you can upload or remove files. We can trigger AWS Lambda on S3 when there are any file uploads in S3 buckets. AWS Lambda has a handler function which acts as a start point for AWS Lambda function. The handler has the details of the events. In this chapter, let us see how to use AWS S3 to trigger AWS Lambda function when we upload files in S3 bucket. Steps for Using AWS Lambda Function with Amazon S3 To start using AWS Lambda with Amazon S3, we need the following − Create S3 Bucket Create role which has permission to work with s3 and lambda Create lambda function and add s3 as the trigger. Example Let us see these steps with the help of an example which shows the basic interaction between Amazon S3 and AWS Lambda. User will upload a file in Amazon S3 bucket Once the file is uploaded, it will trigger AWS Lambda function in the background which will display an output in the form of a console message that the file is uploaded. The user w